If you know me at all, you know it is few and far between that I drink tea, coffee, hot chocolate, blah blah and blah, basically anything other than water and my morning juice. BUT I would like to share the only tea that I will put my pursed bitchy lips to and actually enjoy it. I first discovered it a couple years ago through my Aunt who found it at Bristol Farms. We have almost the exact same taste in food, so I trust her opinion like no other. Then like so many things in my life, just as I started to like it, it became impossible to find at any stores anywhere, like nowhere, nothing, gone. One of the last few times I was back home, my Aunt shared the secret of the internet with me. You can find this bomb ass tea on Amazon! I was given a box to drink at my leisure. Being the sweet girlfriend that I am, I told Cameron he should try it. He liked it a little too much, and being the sneaky girlfriend that I am, I had to hide it from him. I've since taken it out of hiding. He knows now I'm savoring it and he must only drink it if he's fiending for it, until I surrender to the man and spend money. If you're as finicky as me, you might enjoy it. Or you might just think it tastes like god damn regular ass tea.
This is Gwen when she was 30. Do you think we would've been friends with her?

i wish i had a food twin.
ReplyDeleteonce a food stuff is deemed 'really good', i generally hide it behind a box of oatmeal or frozen veggies. it happens all to often that ONE of us (name rhymes with maul) will gorge on it till the container carcass is in recycling.
i love all hot drinks, and am curious as to why your tea is spacial, batch...
p.s. it's plausible, her goofy to creativity ratio seems to match.
I wanna try a sample tea bag before I commit! Or is this an elaborate ruse to get us all to buy the tea, hate it, and then say "well at least Ashley'll like it!"?? You'll be tea rich!
ReplyDeleteI've always been sort of ambivalent about Gwen, but my recent project of orienting Hanna to women in rock has given me a new found appreciation for her ways. I listened the SHIT outta Tragic Kingdom when it came out but then fell victim to getting older and thinking things were lame because other people like them (whatta crime!). But there's a lot to like! She's got wicked style, she's in THE alt rock marriage of the 90s (that actually worked), and she's responsible for one of my favorite dance songs of all time ("What Are You Waiting For?").
This is interesting. I had another tea from these same people and didn't like it :( but I'd be willing to try it!
ReplyDeleteAnd yeah! I'd be friends with her! Kate met her at an AOL fan event! Right Kate? riiiight? Pics please!